Saturday, September 21, 2019
Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay Example for Free
Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay Organizations often experiences staffing issues; therefore, one department will be asked to cover for another. However, these issues can be generated from several aspects within an organization such as staffing issues, financial issues, and organization retention. Subsequently, the organization administration must endeavor to sort out the best strategy to resolve these issues. In this particular paper the underlying issues involves staffing. â€Å"Strategies for improving the employee selection process include tracking recruitment sources; using realistic job previews (RJPs); using assessment tools and interviews to predict turnover; and hiring for fit and motivation (Barrick Zimmerman, p. 1 Para 6 2005). Moreover, an organization that implements a successful staffing approach will essentially establish a positive influence regarding employee retention. Nevertheless with this paper organization retention will be discussed in details, and work motivation theories will be applied to improve employee recruitment and retention at JC’s Casino. An examination of potential occupational stressors that are considered as a negative influence on recruitment and retention as well as a significant proposal will be demonstrated. Furthermore, the role of job satisfaction and its influence on retention at the casino, and recommendations for improving job satisfaction of the employees, and how that can play a part in successfully improving retention will be discussed. Ultimately, a discussing regarding counterproductive employee behavior occurring at the casino as well as what suggestions that would reduce the counterproductive behavior and increase productive employee behavior will be demonstrated as well. JC’s Casino This particular casino is in disarray as the result of unpredictable staffing issues, which essentially caused the casino dealers to leave. In fact, the dealers obtain employment with other casino that merely offered a lower wage rate in contrast to his or her former employment. Moreover, the casino housekeeping staff itself was experiencing issues because of the absenteeism and the high turnover of rooms. Consequently, this issue essentially impinged on other departments within the casino because of the required staff needed to manage the casino was lacking. Indeed, this concern did not impress the casino customers; in fact, it merely produced more chaos as the hotel had to adjust the check -in times, and hire additional staff to work in the luggage room. The customers who arrived earlier had to be accommodating as the organization policy entailed. However, the owner is unaware of the magnitude of the issues, which surrounds the casino itself. In essence, the owner merely knows of the specifics such as the dealers was dropping off like flies, and casino customers were becoming increasingly displeased regarding the untimely check-in transformation. Following, these issues and the whole story enlighten; one could understand why this particular organization desires urgent assistance as a means to improving the organization retention. Motivation Work theories One of motivation work theories that will be employed involves the Douglas McGregor’s X-Y Theory. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) was the creator of one of the leading exceptional management theories without comparison. He hypothesized that a management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. In essence, he proposed that it was the manager responsibility to encourage and unveil the vast creative capability within people. McGregor introduced two significant forms of management approaches, which essentially started the development of his X and Y theories: the authoritarian and the participative. The Theory X authoritarian management style, employees are inherently lazy, and the individual would generally have to be forced to work. Nonetheless, under the Theory Y participative management style, employees would discover work as favorable. McGregor also emphasize that, under the proper management, all employees are naturally Theory Y employees (Kallio, 2006). The X Theory is primarily centered on a fashion of management and leadership that is authoritarian, whereas the Y Theory tends to employ more constructive aspects of leadership. Consequently, McGregor’s theory can relate to JC’s Casino situation as it expresses organization development. The Y Theory will allow the staff members to make progress and advance. This way of thinking, in view of this aspect it would be a plus to employ as a means to enhance recruitment and retention within The JC’s Casino. To embark on this journey first, the Y Theory will permit the manager to support employees’ incentives in place of reprimand and demerits. The Y Theory managers deem that each employee like work, and work for the good of the organization, which generates capitalization on competency between the employees. The Y Theory manager would give employees the chance of an independence of creativeness, which would form motivated and faithful employees who appreciate his or her job. The Y Theory managers also work toward building meaningful and productive relationships with their employees. These managers contend with McGregor understanding that the responsibility of management is to allow their employees to express their vast creative potential (Skidmore, 2006). One significant aspect, the Y manager would offer an open dialog with employees and other departments and through displaying leadership by leading with example. Domination and reprimand are not always the best, and the only method to create profitable workplace. In fact, the work itself should be asked and not commanded as a manager subscribing to the X Theory would be more likely to perform. However, the success of either of these theories would essentially depend on -the -job as well as the individual. Some people require unvarying direction and others will excel with little or no direction. In essence, it would fall back on what the individuals work best with regarding Theory X and Theory Y would come into play motivational wise. Another significant theory is called the Z theory founded by William Ouchi. This particular theory is identified as the â€Å"Japanese Challenge†within the management, which is employs the Y Theory and modern Japanese management principals. Although the employee within this theory must have the proper mind-set at all times for tasks with complete liability regarding the ultimate result of tasks. â€Å"Nevertheless, Theory Z essentially advocates a combination of all thats best about theory Y and modern Japanese management, which places a large amount of freedom and trusts with workers, and assumes that workers have a strong loyalty and interest in team-working and the organization. An individual behavior and environment can change unexpectedly; thus, this particular theory lacks the strength, and direction contrasting to the McGregor X-Y theory that involves great motivational suggestions and reasoning. Occupational Stressors JC’s Casino organization have a high stress level profession as well as a high stress level that often surfaces between employees. This type of environment entails customers who are commonly inebriated and often irritated; thus, workers must intervene if necessary. Consequently, recruitment and retention should be meticulous because a casino environment can be challenging and not for everyone. According to researcher’s casinos that implement Anger Management courses that include procedures for recognizing and managing stress, which displayed a higher results regarding employee contentment (Internet Reference, Anger Stress in Role of Job Satisfaction To implement employee satisfaction the primary focus would be directed toward researching other successful casino such as Ki-Joon Back, a Korean casino. This casino successfully has applied an employee job satisfaction and organizational assertion. The Korean casino embarks on requiring the employees to engage in a survey questionnaire; consequence aided management by enhancing the condition of employee satisfaction. Moreover, this type of method can be employed within JC’s Casino with the same results. One must first follow- up on the results such as provide ongoing training, health care benefits, and maintain an open dialog with employees. Each aspect should be permanent to ensure employee satisfaction, recruitment as well as retention. Furthermore, the organization should also present employees with necessary supplies according to the resources. When employees are provided with the required supplies it will create a better atmosphere and enhance self-respect and retention. It is significant to bear in mind that integrity generally starts on the top of administration and can seep into the workers (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management). Employee Behavior According to Global Gaming Business regarding employee’s behavior within type of environment by which it emphasizes that when counterproductive behavior occurs in a casino the management should tackle the issue immediately as well as the peoples involved instead evading the situation. Casino policy should be made unquestionably and sincerely to employees who in turn create an appreciation amid management and staff. Management must be the voice of logic when dealing with rumor or complex concerns. Management must take the led to sort out personally grievances and issues on the floor during his or her shift, and one should by no means leave issues unresolved. However, JC’s Casino has two key vital focal points here concerning behavior perceived as counterproductive, which starts with Joe, the tyrannical pit boss, and the above rate of absenteeism among the housekeepers. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. His behavior is essentially causing the employees to perform inadequately, and resulting in employees to leave the casino. Joe must be retrained and needs to from this point on apply a Y Theory approach in which he works with his employees instead of his former method. In case for some reason he refuses or cannot adjust management must consider reinstating him or shifting him to a position because his behavior is not complimentary to the organization. Another point counterproductive to the company is the above rates of housekeepers as absent from work. The casino pays a fair wage, but because of the shortage of staff the housekeepers undergoing overworked and underappreciated beliefs. The casino needs to employ a new management agenda in which the managers had a better mentality and could create an enhanced working environment for the employees. Conclusion Indeed, based on this finding manager knowledge, skills, and abilities are highly necessary. A management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. The JC Casino entails numerous significant facets and layers that could be perceived as challenging and are causes for concern. If management maintains this model, change decision-making methods and mindsets, aid employees with healthier working conditions and with respect. This will lead to longer retention and will eventually lead to a better more efficient recruitment process, which will aid the JC Casino as it continues to soar, and becomes profitable. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. Ultimately, the corporation expects the manager to be prepared to work harder, and to put forth more effort than the others leading by the example. The effectiveness of either of these theories would ultimately come to depend on- the- job and the workers. References Barrick, M. R. Zimmerman, R. D. (2005). Reducing voluntary, avoidable turnover through selection. Global Gaming Business Vol.9. No. 2, (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management. (Internet Reference, Anger Stress in (Internet Reference, Motivational (Internet Reference, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 159-166. Retrieved April 4, 2011 Kallio, B. (2006). Mcgregor, Douglas. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011, from Skidmore, M. (2006). Theory X, Theory Y. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011 from, /
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